Alphabetical list of animals name from a to z

100 Animals And Their Homes List

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

100 Animals And Their Homes List

Animals are like us, they need home to protect them from rain, heat, cold, and enemies attack. Below is a list of 100 animals and their homes where they lives in their habitats.

What is a habitat?

A habitat is a place that an animal lives. It provides the animal with food, water and shelter. There are many different sorts of habitats around the world from forests to grasslands and from mountain slopes to deserts. Different habitats are home to different animals.

Animals And Their Homes

100 Animals Names And Their Homes List

No Animal Name Animals Homes No Animal Name Animals Homes
01 Aardvark burrow, den 51 Horse stable, mew, stall
02 Alligator nest 52 Hyena den
03 Ant formicary, hive, nest 53 Kangaroo hollow tree
04 Ape logging, nest 54 Koala tree
05 Armadillo burrow 55 Leopard safari, savanna
06 Badger hole, sett 56 Lion den
07 Bat roost, cave 57 Llama hut
08 Bear den, cave 58 Mole burrow, fortress, tunnel
09 Beaver beavery, lodge, burrow 59 Monkey tree
10 Bee aviary, beehive, hive 60 Moose moosey land
11 Beetle land (tunnel) 61 Mouse mouse-hole
12 Bird aviary, cage, nest 62 Nightingale nest
13 Bittern nest 63 Ostrich veldts
14 Buffalo barn, byre, pasture, stable 64 Otter couch, holt, lodge
15 Camel desert 65 Owl owlery
16 Cat cattery, lair, den 66 Panda bamboo tree
17 Cattle barn, byre, pasture, stable 67 Parrot cage
18 Cheetah safari, savanna 68 Penguin penguinery
19 Chicken coop 69 Pig cote, pen, sty
20 Chimpanzee tree 70 Pigeon cote, loft
21 Cockroach homes, sewers, privies 71 Polar bear hole, burrow
22 Coyote lair 72 Porcupine burrow, hollow trunk
23 Crane nest 73 Porpoise sea, aquarium
24 Crocodile nest 74 Possum tree, forest
25 Crow nest 75 Rabbit hutch, burrow, hole
26 Deer grass, trees, and bushes 76 Raccoon den, burrow
27 Dog kennel 77 Rat nest, hole
28 Dolphin dolphinarium 78 Raven ravenry
29 Donkey barn, shed 79 Rhinoceros savannah, wallow
30 Dove columbarium, dovecot 80 Rook nest
31 Duck nest, pond 81 Sea lion rookery
32 Eagle eyrie 82 Shark sea
33 Elephant dip-wad, nest 83 Sheep cot or cote, fold, pen
34 Ferret cage 84 Snail snailery
35 Fish aquarium, vivary, pond 85 Snake ophidarium, snakery
36 Fly cracks, crevasse 86 Sparrow nest
37 Fox burrow, hole, lair 87 Spider web
38 Frog froggery, ranarium 88 Squirrel dray or drey
39 Gerbil gerbilarium 89 Swan swannery
40 Giraffe safari 90 Termite termitarium, mound
41 Goat locker, pen 91 Tiger lair
42 Gorilla nest 92 Turtle sea
43 Grasshopper grassland 93 Viper hole, burrow
44 Grouse nest 94 Wallaby hollow tree
45 Guinea Pig hutch, cage 95 Whale whalery
46 Hamster cage 96 Wolf lair, den
47 Hare form 97 Wombat burrow
48 Hawk hawkery, mew 98 Woodpecker nest
49 Hippopotamus river banks 99 Yak hill, mountain, barn
50 Hornet hive 100 Zebra safari, veldts

I hope this animals and their homes list can be useful for you.