Animals are like us, they need home to protect them from rain, heat, cold, and enemies attack. Below is a list of 100 animals and their homes where they lives in their habitats.
What is a habitat?
A habitat is a place that an animal lives. It provides the animal with food, water and shelter. There are many different sorts of habitats around the world from forests to grasslands and from mountain slopes to deserts. Different habitats are home to different animals.
100 Animals Names And Their Homes List
No | Animal Name | Animals Homes | No | Animal Name | Animals Homes |
01 | Aardvark | burrow, den | 51 | Horse | stable, mew, stall |
02 | Alligator | nest | 52 | Hyena | den |
03 | Ant | formicary, hive, nest | 53 | Kangaroo | hollow tree |
04 | Ape | logging, nest | 54 | Koala | tree |
05 | Armadillo | burrow | 55 | Leopard | safari, savanna |
06 | Badger | hole, sett | 56 | Lion | den |
07 | Bat | roost, cave | 57 | Llama | hut |
08 | Bear | den, cave | 58 | Mole | burrow, fortress, tunnel |
09 | Beaver | beavery, lodge, burrow | 59 | Monkey | tree |
10 | Bee | aviary, beehive, hive | 60 | Moose | moosey land |
11 | Beetle | land (tunnel) | 61 | Mouse | mouse-hole |
12 | Bird | aviary, cage, nest | 62 | Nightingale | nest |
13 | Bittern | nest | 63 | Ostrich | veldts |
14 | Buffalo | barn, byre, pasture, stable | 64 | Otter | couch, holt, lodge |
15 | Camel | desert | 65 | Owl | owlery |
16 | Cat | cattery, lair, den | 66 | Panda | bamboo tree |
17 | Cattle | barn, byre, pasture, stable | 67 | Parrot | cage |
18 | Cheetah | safari, savanna | 68 | Penguin | penguinery |
19 | Chicken | coop | 69 | Pig | cote, pen, sty |
20 | Chimpanzee | tree | 70 | Pigeon | cote, loft |
21 | Cockroach | homes, sewers, privies | 71 | Polar bear | hole, burrow |
22 | Coyote | lair | 72 | Porcupine | burrow, hollow trunk |
23 | Crane | nest | 73 | Porpoise | sea, aquarium |
24 | Crocodile | nest | 74 | Possum | tree, forest |
25 | Crow | nest | 75 | Rabbit | hutch, burrow, hole |
26 | Deer | grass, trees, and bushes | 76 | Raccoon | den, burrow |
27 | Dog | kennel | 77 | Rat | nest, hole |
28 | Dolphin | dolphinarium | 78 | Raven | ravenry |
29 | Donkey | barn, shed | 79 | Rhinoceros | savannah, wallow |
30 | Dove | columbarium, dovecot | 80 | Rook | nest |
31 | Duck | nest, pond | 81 | Sea lion | rookery |
32 | Eagle | eyrie | 82 | Shark | sea |
33 | Elephant | dip-wad, nest | 83 | Sheep | cot or cote, fold, pen |
34 | Ferret | cage | 84 | Snail | snailery |
35 | Fish | aquarium, vivary, pond | 85 | Snake | ophidarium, snakery |
36 | Fly | cracks, crevasse | 86 | Sparrow | nest |
37 | Fox | burrow, hole, lair | 87 | Spider | web |
38 | Frog | froggery, ranarium | 88 | Squirrel | dray or drey |
39 | Gerbil | gerbilarium | 89 | Swan | swannery |
40 | Giraffe | safari | 90 | Termite | termitarium, mound |
41 | Goat | locker, pen | 91 | Tiger | lair |
42 | Gorilla | nest | 92 | Turtle | sea |
43 | Grasshopper | grassland | 93 | Viper | hole, burrow |
44 | Grouse | nest | 94 | Wallaby | hollow tree |
45 | Guinea Pig | hutch, cage | 95 | Whale | whalery |
46 | Hamster | cage | 96 | Wolf | lair, den |
47 | Hare | form | 97 | Wombat | burrow |
48 | Hawk | hawkery, mew | 98 | Woodpecker | nest |
49 | Hippopotamus | river banks | 99 | Yak | hill, mountain, barn |
50 | Hornet | hive | 100 | Zebra | safari, veldts |
I hope this animals and their homes list can be useful for you.