If you're searching for freshwater fish list starting with U letter you're in the right place because here we have it and you can also downloads the list in pdf file format.
In the list below we have 4 freshwater fish with name beginning with U, they are : Uaru cichlid fish, Umbee cichlid fish, Upside down catfish and Usumacinta Buffalo Fish which was also known as buffalo fish.
Buffalo fish was live in most types of freshwater place where panfish are found, such as ponds, creeks, rivers, and lakes. This fish was endemic fish of United States, Canada, Mexico and Guatemala.
In the list below we have 4 freshwater fish with name beginning with U, they are : Uaru cichlid fish, Umbee cichlid fish, Upside down catfish and Usumacinta Buffalo Fish which was also known as buffalo fish.
Buffalo fish was live in most types of freshwater place where panfish are found, such as ponds, creeks, rivers, and lakes. This fish was endemic fish of United States, Canada, Mexico and Guatemala.
List Of Freshwater Fish Beginning With U Letter |
Fish Names | Scientific Name | Fish Pictures |
Uaru Cichlid Fish | Uaru Amphicanthiodes | |
Umbee Cichlid Fish | Cichlasoma Umbriferum | |
Upside Down Catfish | Synodontis Nigriventris | |
Usumacinta Buffalo Fish | Ictiobus Meridionalis |
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